Build Your Body & Add Quality Mass through

                                                            Hypertrophy in the Quickest Way Possible









                More & more people these days are are opting for weight training to improve their physique and personality. Though most of them are not satisfied with their early days of gains and are discouraged, so often they leave this form of sports. But the fact is that these people were never drtermined to work as much hard as is required in this sports.

                Hard work is essential in bodybuilding and the capability to do hard work depends on two thing:

                (1) Genetics

                (2) Mental Toughness

                While the former can't be changed, the latter can be achieved through meditation & Yoga.

                Now, we come to the most important part of the game - consistency. This is the key element in bodybuilding. If you can't find time to workout according to the schedule then forget about getting bigger. Even ectomorph get huge with this indispensible tool. Live example is the legend, Rich Gaspari. So first, be honest to yourself and decide only if you can give time. If you are really busy, then you can plan to workout 2 days a week. We will discuss it later in detail about planning schedule.

                The benefits are endless.... you feel confident.... you get powerful.... you can lift heavy weights which common people would not be able to.... you get huge.... you look good.... you become a source of attraction.... you get attention.... you perform better in other sports such as soccer/cricket/ baseball etc. .... etc. .... etc.

                Now in my next post you will know how to deal with weights and machines, and tell you about scheduling your workout.




















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